There is no best song. There is no best music. Musicians may improve their craft, their skill and their experience. But none can perfect music.

Source: public domain
This makes sense, if one considers. None expect a singer to suddenly write the perfect song, thus forcing all others to resign in frustration. No composer can create the perfect composition, thus ending music history. As if all music development was building to that fateful moment.
One reason why is that tastes shift. Each person has their own preferences. A Taylor Swift fanatic could present to me Swift’s “best” song. I would nod, agree it is neat, but not honor it. Neither the fanatic or me are wrong. Our tastes and experiences differ.
A guitar and an oud player may regard each other as odd. Those are both fine. Neither stringed instrument is better. Rather, each reflects culture and taste.

An oud. Source: Wikimedia Commons