Improvising musically means playing the unexpected. There is no studying a sheet before playing, no preparation but general skill. Musicians play what flows from their minds.
This is surprisingly difficult. The contradiction seems nonsense. How could spontaneous improvisations be unoriginal? But the free creativity means we musicians often repeat the familiar.

Source: public domain
Personally, I start improvisations by using the three main chords of tonal music. The first, fourth, and fifth. They come first as they are familiar. After I use them, I experiment with odder choices. Third, sixth, seventh. Us musicians play what flows from our minds, which tends to be familiar.
As a non-musical example, imagine being asked to sketch a store. You would likely draw a standard storefront. You could add flourishes, decorations, arches and colors galore. But that requires effort and creativity.
Luckily, like improvisations, these are all skills that can improve.

A non-standard storefront. The Wild Turkey Bourbon Visitor Center. In Lawrenceburg, KY. Source: Architizer